IV Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im.B.Prusa
IV LO im. B.Prusa in Szczecin is a school open to new achievements in didactics, which requires a modern approach to learning. It is a chamber school and friendly to students who want to develop their skills and explore knowledge not only during classes, but also at home and at additional classes offered by the school. Here, 411 students are taught, and work 38 teachers ( and 7 people in school administration). The school concept and its strategy take into account the widespread use of ICT. Also, our students are happy to take part in language and culture competitions (“The Best Anglist”, “Do You Know America?”, “Know Britain”), organized both inside and outside the school. In previous years, they represented it in the Provincial English Language Competition and in the “Know America” nationwide competition. The school is a place for many competitions, among others (the English language and culture of Anglo-Saxon countries, knowledge on law contests) in which participates a large number of students. An increasing group of students choose an advanced level at the final exam, which proves a high level of education. In the interest of the promotion of information technology and at the same time the promotion of our school, IV LO was the organizer of many editions of the National Informatics Competition for junior high school students. The exact subjects are very important here and the results of the students indicate that they are well taught.
The school is open to the needs and interests of of its pupils.
During open school days, we try to accentuate the nature of our high school, inviting computer and IT companies cooperating with IV LO to promote it, which present the most interesting technical innovations in an attractive way. In addition, the language-volunteering class gives students the opportunity to shape pro-social attitudes, helping seniors in our city.
The presence in the European Union means that all – teachers and students – feel like Europeans who care about close contact with representatives of other European countries and we try to maintain existing contacts with schools from different parts of the continent, initiated thanks to Erasmus + projects, and also refer to new.
Modern teaching is one of the most important elements of our strategy. Teaching staff uses many opportunities for methodical, pedagogical and educational training.
IVLiceum Ogolnoksztalcace im. B. Prusa in Szczecin is a forerunner of classes in the field of volunteering. Young people, sensitive to the needs of others, with great empathy and commitment, take care of seniors in our city (thanks to the cooperation of the school with MOPS.)
Students also have many sports achievements. Every year, they take part in the Polish championships in football schools of Prusa (patron), where they occupy high places.
Békéscsabai SZC Zwack József Kereskedelmi és Vendéglátóipari Szakgimnáziuma és Szakközépiskolája
Bekescsaba Center of Vocation and Training Zwack Jozsef Commerce and Catering School is located in Bekescsaba, Hungary. It gives secondary vocational education, the first two years (grade 9 and 10) are the so-called orientation phase, when the focus is laid on professional knowledge beside the general studies. Grade 11 and 12 are the foundation training phase, when the professional education is delivered. Vocation can be acquired after the final examination in two years and in three years also.
English is taught as a second language. There are 950 students and some of them are with learning problem. We have 95 teachers and 5 management staff. According to our SWOT analysis ,the amount of early school leaving is one of our weakness more than 10 % mainly in the first school year.
Being located near the town centre with easy transportation,having equipped classes and labs with internet connection and smart boards are the opportunities of our school. Most of our students come from low class families who live the near villages and smaller towns.
According to our strategic plan,our mission is to increase our students’ key competences because we aim to grow well developed and more ready students for the real life. So we make possibilities for our students to take part in entrepreneurship in abroad. The other mission of ours is to apply new and good techniques into our school by making our school more international thanks to the European granted.For this reason we have been giving great importance on applying for local and international projects since we believe that making our school more international will help us to have more donated teachers and students. By the help of these projects,we know we can grow more self confident, decision maker and tolerant students.
School was granted in 2016 and 2017 with four Erasmus Plus projects, two of which were KA202 and KA219 and the other ones were two KA102″.
S.S.O.U “Mosha Pijade” was established in 1928 as a lower agricultural school which formed conditions for expert qualification of the students in many parts of the country. The teaching was two years and the first generation was consisted of 30students . The main goal of the school was to educate agricultural staff that would use the knowledge on their own property or in the agricultural economies. In the 1945/46 the low agricultural school grew up in a secondary agricultural school with duration of 3 years and in 1950/51 the school gained its physiognomy and became school for 4 years . Beside theoretical and practical teaching during the school year , there was also seasonal practice in duration of 1 month during the summer period .In contrast to the practical teaching which was realized in the school economy, the seasonal practice was realized in the state economies and agricultural and vet institutions .At the end of the education the students had their final exam. In 1960 a decision was brought that the school would be called secondary agricultural school ”Mosha Pijade”. News in the education brought the need for transformation of the education and the secondary agricultural school grew up in School Centre for education of qualified staff in the economy “Mosha Pijade”. As a result of this on 27.12.1973 the following profiles were verified: ∙ Agricultural technicians ∙ Agricultural-mechanical technicians ∙ Auto mechanic
Later the trade profession was established, and in 1977/78 staffs of the food processing and catering professions were qualified. As a result of the increased needs for vet staff in our community and the rich livestock fund in the school for realizing practical teaching in the school year 1979/80 was verified the vet profession and later was verified the mechanical profession with the following profiles : locksmith , welder , tinsmith , metal smith and etc.
Because of the increased number of students , in 1983 was built the new school building , equipped with the most modern cabinets for realizing obligatory and practical teaching . The rise of the motor vehicles , transport of passengers and the transport of the cattle as well as the conditions for normal traffic risen the interest for the traffic profession which was verified in 1995and also the profession carpenter of the profession for wood manufacture.
The huge interest for forestry brought the verification of the forestry profession in 2004/2005.
Following the needs of the labor market, the school has transformed into a modern centre offering profiles in several vocations including the following: • Professions and profiles
-MECHANICAL PROFESSION: Mechanical technician for production; Auto mechanic
-TRAFFIC PROFESSION: Technician for road traffic / Technician for transport and freight forwarding
-AGRICULTURAL-VET PROFESSION: Technician for agriculture/ Technician for farmer production/ Vet technician
-CATERER-TOURISTIC PROFESSION: Hotel touristic technician / Cook-waiter
-FORESTRY-WOOD MANUFACTURING PROFESSION: Technician for forestry/ Technician for landscape architecture
-ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING PROFESSION: Technician for computers and automatic
Total number of employees in the school is 213 of which bigger part refers to teaching personnel.
Colegiul National Grigore Moisil Onesti
The National College “Grigore Moisil” is a theoretical high school in Onesti, County of Bacau, Romania. Our high school is
UNESCO associated and our school is member of EPAS network in the programme named “European Parliament
Ambassador Schools”. From many years our high school works in partnership with the British Council, preparing students for having all levels of Cambridge or IELTS Examinations. The school employs 50 teachers almost and educates 725 pupils. The students have a wide variety of academic concentrations; from maths and informatics to intensive English programs. Regardless of a student’s academic focus, every student studies foreign languages, English and French. In recent years the students have had numerous successes at the National Olympiads as well as in the international contests. For example, we had more than 20 students participating in the national Olympics with subjects like: History, ITC, Geography, Religion, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Philosophy, Economy, Foreign languages and others. There are about 271students that commute every day from the ares/villages around our community, and there are very good students among them, even if their social status is not a very happy one. The teachers of our high school always support their students in all kinds of competitions and projects, at a school/region/district or country and international level. They are the ones that direct the students towards a good choice in their career, in direct keeping with their talents, abilities and wishes.