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Medicinska škola, Šibenik

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Prikazani događaji


Naziv projekta: Vještine za zdraviji svijet

Akronim: Skills for a healthier world

Aktivnosti projekta možete pratiti i na https faceboock stranici:

Naziv projekta: Zdravlje-izazovi novog doba

Akronim: Health - the challenge of the new age

Aktivnosti projekta možete pratiti i na https faceboock stranici:

Naziv projekta: Zdravstvo u Europi - radimo i učimo (Akronim: Healthcare in Europe - work and learn)

Aktivnosti projekta možete pratiti i na https faceboock stranici:

Projekt mobilnosti Erasmus+ Srednje medicinske škole pod nazivom Excellence. Every Patient. Every Time.

Aktivnosti vezane uz Excellence. Every Patient. Every Time. projekt možete pratiti i na facebook stranici







Poštovani maturanti,


u vremenu smo drugačijega načina rada od onoga na koji smo svi navikli pa se moramo prilagoditi.

Kako je ovo vrijeme odjava, promjena i naknadnih prijava ispita obrasce zamolbe možete preuzet putem e-mail pošte (

Za sva pitanja stojim vam na raspolaganju.

                                                                                                                   Srdačan pozdrav


                                                                                           Koordinatorica:  ANA GRUBIŠIĆ

Brojač posjeta
Ispis statistike od 2. 1. 2018.

Ukupno: 282337
Ovaj mjesec: 4657
Ovaj tjedan: 892
Danas: 10




Közgazdasági Politechnikum is an independent, non-state secondary school located in the Hungarian capital city, Budapest, educating about 510 students from 12 to 20. It offers a comprehensive academic program supplemented with an entrepreneurial curriculum to students.

Its aims are:

• to provide a friendly, positive environment with various extracurricular programs and opportunities for all students, including those with special needs in order to support their personal and professional development;

• to develop their many-folded skills - humanities, sciences, foreign languages, ICT, sports, entrepreneurship;

• to contribute to their active citizenship and multicultural dialogue in Europe by organising transnational partnership programs (school mobilities, e-Twinning, youth exchanges, European Voluntary Service, strategic partnerships).

They have youth from different socio-economic backgrounds and those with special needs as well – the latter follow a personal developing plan with the lead of our psychologists and special education teachers. There is a small number of youth with foreign backgrounds. They think that all  students can profit from the diversity when learning tolerance and accepting various cultural differences as well.

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